These recommendations for the use of the medical device “COLD PLASMA TREATMENT DEVICE” HELIOS” ACCORDING TO TU 9444-001-46807972-2015″ are compiled on the basis of clinical research.
These guidelines describe a modern approach to the treatment of such common and severe skin diseases as: acne, herpes, onychomycosis, eczema, herpes virus infection. Based on the study, the possibility of treating patients with the above-mentioned dermatoses using the medical device “Cold plasma treatment device” Helios” according to TU 9444-001-46807972-2015″, manufactured by “NPC PLAZMA” OOD, Russia, with manufacturing accessories from “NPC PLASMA” OOD. Methodological guidelines are intended for dermatoneurologists and cosmetologists.
Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Dr. Prof. N.G Korotkiy, Prof. V.Yu Udzhuu, member-cor.RANS, Dr., Professor A.A. Tikhomirov, Dr. Prof. A.E. Shultsenko, candidate of medical sciences, Assoc. A.A. Kubilinsky.
The “Helios” device has the following indications for use in the treatment of various skin diseases:
-treatment of trophic ulcers with vascular etiology;
-treatment of dermatitis, ulcerative wounds with local and systemic vasculitis;
-treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis;
– cosmetology (treatment of acne, rosacea, dermatitis, keratosis, papillomas), skin rejuvenation
– dentistry (chronic gingivitis, periodontitis)
-surgery (general, purulent, plastic, including phlegmon therapy, abscesses, skin treatment to accelerate the recovery of damaged tissues during surgery, etc.)