It is a natural phenomenon and applies in various areas of human life.
Professor Zhadin M.N., formulation of the natural phenomenon:
Emission, field (IC) from organic, inorganic substances, bio-objects that have a magnetic nature and represent a oscillatory process characterized by extremely weak intensity and exceptionally low frequency. With characteristics such as frequency, wavelength, amplitude (or spectrum), which are inherent to the emitting object.
IC cannot exist independently temporarily or permanently from the source or carrier. IC can be transmitted using electromagnetic waves or in another way at a distance from the source, the carrier. IC can affect bio-objects similar to the source of emission.
IC works by stimulating the body’s own healing abilities. IC is electromagnetic signals generated using algorithms or recorded from substances with therapeutic, healing, or other biological effects.
The Quantum Electrodynamics Theory of Coherent Domains in water was proposed by Italian scientists Emilio Del Giudice and Giuliano Preparata. It primarily asserts that water molecules, surrounded by an electromagnetic field and under its influence, can form coherent domains. All molecules within the coherent domain move at the same frequency.
Every substance has a unique electromagnetic spectrum that can be detected and recorded.
When we reproduce a signal that is recorded from substances in pure water, the water molecules form into coherent domains and emit an electromagnetic spectrum similar to the source substance.
Water with coherent domains that emits a specific signal can interact with cell receptors using the “lock and key” principle – in this case, with electronic locks and keys.
This is a hypothetical mechanism. IC is a technology that is being tested and implemented in Bulgaria. You can ask questions and propose other theories and concepts. Thank you!